Theological Foundation
Luke 24: 13-35 – Our birth story
John 15: 1-17 and Isaiah 43: 19 – Our living, ongoing story
To magnify the work of the Holy Spirit through spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and retreat ministries.
To connect, resource, and support the growing ministries of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and retreat ministries.
We believe in the presence of God in all peoples and in all of the created order, and thus, we believe all peoples are due respect and acceptance as beloved children of God and all of the created order is due respect as an expression of The Sacred. We believe that God continually reaches out to us and deeply desires a relationship with us and that this relationship has transformative power.
We believe that we are called to be compassionate, which means that we are called to be attentive to and moved by another’s experience, and then to respond to their experience with the intent to either ease their suffering or to promote their flourishing.
We believe in the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we individually and collectively listen to God, to one another, and to scripture as we make decisions.
We believe in the power of collaboration to connect, support, and resource and thus further the ministries of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and retreat ministries.
We believe that God requires us to be responsible stewards of the gifts and resources given us individually and corporately and to use those gifts and resources to further God’s Kingdom.