The national e-newsletter is sent directly to your inbox at least four times a year or quarterly. The purpose of this newsletter is to reach and support a wide audience within the UM connection. Features include themed essays written by Hearts on Fire members, book reviews, excerpts from the spiritual writings of beloved masters, news of Hearts on Fire and upcoming events. These are designed to encourage, inform, and nourish your practice as formational leaders.
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Previous Newsletters
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Pause to Reflect A Poemthe mechanicby Steve Garnaas-Holmes I knew his life had dealt him much suffering,and that more than once he had shattered.Yet his eyes shone with a deep peace.Even through his latest crisis he showedlittle sense of shame or disappointment.I asked him about it. He took me to his garage.There sat an old…
Summer 2024 Newsletter
Pause to Reflect A poem by David Whyte Loaves and Fishes This is notthe age of information. This is notthe age of information. Forget the news,and the radio,and the blurred screen. This is the timeof loavesand fishes. People are hungry,and one good word is breadfor a thousand. from the book The House of Belonging. p….
Spring 2024 Newsletter
I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19Psalm 93 God acts within every momentand creates the world with each breath.[God] speaks from the center of the universe,in the silence beyond all thought.Mightier than the crash of a thunderstorm,mightier than the roar of the sea,is…
Winter Newsletter – January 2024
Words of Wisdom … for the Journey A New Year …..Turn the page. Open the door. A fresh start.What will unfold? The spiritual life is, then, first of all a matter of keeping awake. Thomas Merton Ten times a day something happens to me like this — some strengthening throb of amazement — some good…
Newsletter Submissions: Contact Us!
Members are invited to submit essays, articles and book reviews to the editor of the national newsletter. These submissions are limited to a 400-word maximum, and should serve to further the goals and ministry of Hearts on Fire, which are to support and inform the ministries of United Methodist spiritual directors and retreat leaders. Submissions are published at the discretion of the editors. Please submit your work as an attached Word Document in Times New Roman 12 pt font by the last day of each month by sending an email to Glynden Bode at [email protected].