To see a member’s full information, click on their name.
- Lay
A contemplative by nature, I seek stillness with God above all. A native of Montana, I was baptized and raised in the Methodist tradition. From my earliest childhood, I have yearned for a life of solitude and prayer. Seeking God's face is an adventure and along the way, I learned much from early Christian prayer practices, the Desert Fathers, St Benedict, the Carmelites, Ignatius, and many other heroes of the faith.
I founded and facilitated corporate support groups for anyone touched by cancer based on the Circles of Trust methodology by Parker Palmer. A year later I was asked to begin another group for caregivers of dementia patients.
Small group or one-on-one spiritual direction and silent retreats are my choices.
I hold a BA in Humanities and have certificates in the Art of Leadership in Ministry, the Art of Spiritual Direction, and as a Grief Support Companion and Facilitator. I have also completed Circles of Trust Facilitator Training through The Center for Renewal..
- Lay
A contemplative by nature, I seek stillness with God above all. A native of Montana, I was baptized and raised in the Methodist tradition. From my earliest childhood, I have yearned for a life of solitude and prayer. Seeking God's face is an adventure and along the way, I learned much from early Christian prayer practices, the Desert Fathers, St Benedict, the Carmelites, Ignatius, and many other heroes of the faith.
I founded and facilitated corporate support groups for anyone touched by cancer based on the Circles of Trust methodology by Parker Palmer. A year later I was asked to begin another group for caregivers of dementia patients.
Small group or one-on-one spiritual direction and silent retreats are my choices.
I hold a BA in Humanities and have certificates in the Art of Leadership in Ministry, the Art of Spiritual Direction, and as a Grief Support Companion and Facilitator. I have also completed Circles of Trust Facilitator Training through The Center for Renewal..
- Clergy
Michigan AC
Susan Amick, UMC Deacon and Chaplain at Wesley Woods Senior Living, Atlanta, GA.
[email protected]
I joyfully assist adults in late-age making life transitions; witnessing journeys of faith and sharing in both grief and growth that occurs as individuals seek to age with grace. I use music, movement, prayer, laughter, and patient listening to lead programs and retreats on prayer practices, spirituality and aging, and self-care (especially for caregivers). I am passionate about ministries of wellness, wholeness, and transformation across the entire life-span. I am called to live and nurture others in practicing an aware and alive Christian faith that guides life-long learning.
I have led retreats and facilitated spiritual practices in local churches, and at regional and national events. While not currently providing spiritual direction, I am open to doing so in the future. I specialize in Sole Work/Soul Work, combining deep listening and foot reflexology.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
New Smyrna Beach
As a spiritual director, I offer sacred space for holy listening where both you and I listen to God together. If you are in a season of spiritual questions, discerning God's direction for your life, needing spiritual healing and care, or desiring a deeper connection to the Spirit, I would love to talk with you about scheduling a holy listening session.
Needing someone to listen? I’ll hold sacred space for you to ask those big God questions, share what’s going on with you spiritually, or explore where you are being led.
Needing direction for more than just you? I’ll walk alongside your ministry, team, organization, or congregation and help you discover your shared identity, gifts, and calling.
Needing to get away and connect with God? I’ll facilitate a spiritual retreat at your church, campground, or even online to help you or your group find rest in solitude and prayer.
Peace and grace on your journey, friends. We are in this together.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
Tarpon Springs
Spiritual Director focused on short term relationships occasioned by challenges of context and calling. Skilled in group spiritual direction and challenges facing staff or leadership groups facing cultural change. Background includes, local church pastor, crisis chaplaincy, spiritual formation leadership, retreat leadership and one on one spiritual companionship.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
Tarpon Springs
Spiritual Director focused on short term relationships occasioned by challenges of context and calling. Skilled in group spiritual direction and challenges facing staff or leadership groups facing cultural change. Background includes, local church pastor, crisis chaplaincy, spiritual formation leadership, retreat leadership and one on one spiritual companionship.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Lay
I have been a Certified Lay Minister for ten years and a spiritual director since 2015. I welcome the opportunity to companion people who wish to explore their relationship with God, and the consequences of that relationship in their everyday life. Questions are part of a deep and healthy faith and are encouraged along the way.
I enjoy offering retreats on prayer, meditation, spiritual practices and other topics.
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
Susquehanna and Florida
Laura Baber has over 20 years experience as a spiritual director and retreat leader.
She is active with the Center for Spiritual Formation ( where she was trained. Laura leads a variety of spiritual formation groups including: A contemplative artistic group called Create!, a spiritual formation gathering for those ministering cross culturally, and peer supervision experiences. Laura is the author of Rhythms of Restoration: Practicing Grief on the Path of Grace, Seedbed Publishing. She currently lives in Ocala, Florida.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
I believe that grace is for all people, and that Spirit's desire is to breathe healing and transformative grace throughout the universe. In my practice as a spiritual director and retreat leader, I am honored to hold sacred space so that others may experience Spirit and tap into the wisdom that waits to be discovered. I am especially drawn to spiritual formation practices (lectio divina, contemplative prayer, etc.)
I have advanced training and practice in The Circle Way, Non-Violent Communication, Open Space Technology, Bridge Builders, and World Cafe. I received my Spiritual Direction Certification from Benet Hill's Benedictine Spiritual Direction Program.
I pray that you, even now, experience the deep love that God has for you. Take a moment to breathe slowly and deeply...receive grace.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
Virginia Beach
Ordained Elder in the UMC, Virginia Conference
Spiritual director and supervisor
Labyrinth Facilitator
wife, mother, sister, daughter,
deep concern for those who have experienced trauma and hurt with church/religion
hiker, cyclist, reader, knitter, scrapbooker
Christian clown, drama, retreat leader, labyrinth facilitator
- Spiritual Director
- Lay
Lisa Beckman, Spiritual Director meeting virtually, Signal Mountain, TN, 770-490-8821, [email protected],
My practice is for those who are embarking on a journey to discover who you are created to be, living from the inside out, and becoming your best self in your everyday life. This lifelong journey begins with the desire for spiritual growth. Choosing a deeper path with spiritual practices is the way to take rule-based thinking to a heart-based attitude. Explore where the blessings are in imperfect days. Find the sacred in the ordinary by spending time once a month for an hour with a sacred listener.
In this season of life, I find myself in the unique setting of having more than a few miles completed on my journey, i.e. a lot of opportunities to gain wisdom through challenging times and also the opportunity to find joy in the journey.
I have been in the health and well-being arena for decades.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
yadkin valley district
As a spiritual director, I work with those who long for a deeper relationship with God or who are seeking purpose in life. As a group spiritual director, I offer guidance for groups of 6 or less who desire a place to share and be held in a confidential environment, recognizing the presence and guidance of God.
My specific areas of focus for retreat leadership are a variety of spiritual disciplines including Lectio Divina & spiritual discernment.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
yadkin valley district
As a spiritual director, I work with those who long for a deeper relationship with God or who are seeking purpose in life. As a group spiritual director, I offer guidance for groups of 6 or less who desire a place to share and be held in a confidential environment, recognizing the presence and guidance of God.
My specific areas of focus for retreat leadership are a variety of spiritual disciplines including Lectio Divina & spiritual discernment.
- Spiritual Director
- Lay
New Mexico
Donna Berry has 9 years experience as a spiritual director and 6 years experience with being a trained/credentialed coach. She works with people in ministry: elders, certified lay ministers, and licensed local pastors. Complete confidentiality is always observed. The first session is always free because it is a time for finding out compatibility and for the client to learn about what is possible in the interaction.
- Lay
New Mexico Annual Conference
I am a one on one spiritual director, greatly interested in discussing belief in the divine and the relationship one has with God, or the trinity, or the divine, or Jesus Christ or all of these. I use Zoom or Skype to meet during Tuesdays or Thursdays. All conversations with me are confidential and never shared with anyone. I am a lifelong United Methodist having completed Basic Theological Studies with St. Paul's School of Theology in Kansas. I greatly enjoy working with all people, and feel especially equipped to companion those called in to ministry, ordained or certified or licensed.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
New Mexico AC
I work with classical models and creative approaches including lectio divina, visio divina, contemplative photography, fiber arts, Ignatian methods, journaling and adapting methods.
I have worked with group spiritual direction, situations of conflict, trauma, and natural disasters.
I can meet in person, via phone or GoogleMeet.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
NW Houston area
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
Rev. Dr. Michelle Bodle is an ordained elder in the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. Pastor Michelle graduated from Drew in 2011 with a Master of Divinity Degree and received certification in Spiritual Formation from Drew and the General Board of Higher Education in Ministry in 2013. She also attended a two-year course in spiritual direction offered through the Center for Spiritual Formation. In 2022, Michelle graduated from Wesley Theological Seminary with a DMin in Church Leadership where here project paper focused on the use of group spiritual direction in the renewal of young clergy women. She is currently a student at Fordham University in the supervision of spiritual directors.
Michelle has served as a pastor since 2010 and as a spiritual director since 2013.
Find out more at
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
Rev. Michelle Bodle is an ordained elder in the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. Pastor Michelle graduated from Drew in 2011 with a Masters of Divinity Degree and received certification in Spiritual Formation from Drew and the General Board of Higher Education in Ministry in 2013. She also attended a two-year course in spiritual direction offered through the Center for Spiritual Formation.
Michelle has served as a pastor since 2010 and as a spiritual director since 2013.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Lay
Texas Annual Conference
I offer spiritual direction in person and by phone/Skype. I have particular interest in dreamwork as a spiritual practice. I offer contemplative retreats and retreats/workshops on dreams and dreamwork.
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
Missouri Annual Conference
Kansas City
I am a retired Ordained Deacon and serve as Associate Director of the Hermitage Spiritual Retreat Center in Pittsburg MO. It is a part time appointment. See I live in Kansas City MO when I am not at the Retreat Center, having retired from teaching criminal justice for 34 years at the University of Missouri. I primarily do individual spiritual direction although small group retreats are possible. I was trained by the Benedictine Sisters in Atchison, KS, graduating in 2014 from the 3 year Souljourners program with a certificate in Spiritual Direction.
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
North Alabama
I am a retired United Methodist pastor, having served churches in the North Alabama Conference. I received my certification in spiritual direction in 2017 from Perkins School of Theology. So far, I have done spiritual direction only, but interested in branching out to retreats. I have experience in Women's Ministry, Spiritual Formation, and Older Adult Ministry.
- Spiritual Director
- Retreat Leader
- Clergy
Receiving my work, one will discover unconditional positive regard, acceptance and creativity. I offer a gentle, authentic and supportive presence of welcome, hospitality and grace to anyone along their path. I embrace a spiritual direction practice of silence, contemplative listening, prayer and discernment. My wife is a licensed professional therapist, yoga nidra instructor, creative writer and published poet. Together we offer leadership in collaborative retreats. I am a trusted with support toward clergy and laity in local churches. Retired from parish ministry, I have much experience dealing with matters related to self-esteem, illness and death, complex systems and dysfunctional issues.
Academic credentials include: Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from the University of Redlands, San Francisco Theological Seminary, M. Ed., University of Lynchburg, CPE Clinical Residency, University of Virginia, M. Div., Wesley Theological Seminary.
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
Little Rock
Rev. Mary Jane Cole earned her M.Div. from Memphis Theological Seminary and is ordained into the Order of Deacon in the Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church. Her educational background includes degrees in psychology and rehabilitation counseling. She has served as a hospital chaplain and as associate pastor of First United Methodist Church Little Rock, Arkansas. She received a certification in Spiritual Direction from SMU Perkins School of Theology and currently maintains a private practice of spiritual direction and a secondary appointment as a Deacon to First United Methodist Little Rock. She is endorsed in Spiritual Direction by the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Endorsing Agency.
- Spiritual Director
- Clergy
South Carolina
St. Louis
Robby Collingwood is a spiritual director who has been an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church for more than forty years. He also served as the Chief of Chaplain Service at the St. Louis VA Medical Center for over thirty years, working with Veterans dealing with PTSD, moral injury, mental health issues and addiction. Certified in Spiritual Direction by the Siena Center’s Spiritual Guidance Training Program, Robby’s approach is inclusive, welcoming those from all walks of life. His mission as a spiritual director is “to offer to walk with individuals, open to the Spirit, listening with my heart, discerning with my mind, raising their awareness of how the Sacred is manifested in their lives and how they may choose to respond.”